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Confidence Starts Hair

(It all starts here)

We Fix Hair & Skin Care Challenges & Renew Self Confidence


I'm so glad you are here!

Whether you just prefer cleaner, naturally based products or need targeted help addressing particular hair or skin issues like fixing menopause hair loss & texture changes, MONAT is revolutionizing the self-care industry on all counts. With premium hair products that actually solve problems, Monat is repairing damage, improving scalp health and promoting growth. 


Nothing on the planet performs like MONAT. It's why, in less than 10 years, we have become the #1 Premium haircare brand WORLD WIDE.  With MONAT, you're not getting just "bougie" hair, skin & body care -- you're getting anti-aging hair & skin care that delivers proven, reliable RESULTS.​


What's In it?


work with ME?

My Story

Shampoo Solves Problems?

Throughout my 40’s, I was losing hair – and self confidence – every time I looked in a mirror. When I started buying shampoo online through a friend (remember when the entire world shut down way back in 2020?), I had ZERO expectations that this new shampoo would change my hair, let alone fix my Hashimotos and menopause hair loss along with my self image. I just wanted "good shampoo". So when I started noticing my hairline returning, I knew I had to share it.

People deserve to know there are cleaner, healthier products that can actually nurture their scalp & strands back to a healthier state.


I know it’s “just hair” and “just shampoo”. And I know that how we look doesn’t define WHO we are. But how we FEEL in our own hair and skin matters. 

Follow me @ConfidenceStartsHAIR

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